Tardies: A tardy is when a student is not present in the classroom when the bell rings. A student’s number of tardies is recorded per semester.
The tardy policy has remained unchanged, and here is a refresher of the consequences:
- First-period tardy: Students must sign-in at the Welcome Center to get a pass to enter class. Students signing-in between 8:16-8:30 a.m. will follow the tardy policy below.
- Students signing in after 8:30 a.m. who fail to provide documentation of board-approved excusable absences (Regulation 2310) will be referred to administration.
- Truancy is defined as deliberate absence from school on the part of the pupil with or without the knowledge of the parent/guardian and for which no justifiable excuse is given.
- When a pattern of truancy becomes evident, the principal will investigate and take such action as circumstances dictate (Policy 2340).
Tardy consequences:
- 2nd Tardy: written warning and student conference with a teacher
- 3rd Tardy: teacher assigned detention
- 4th Tardy: contact parent and teacher assigned detention
- 5th Tardy: teacher assigned; two detentions
- 6th Tardy: office referral; minimum Saturday two-hour detention assigned by principal
- 7th Tardy: office referral; minimum Saturday four-hour detention assigned by principal
- On subsequent tardies, the student will be referred to the office for ISS or OSS for insubordination.
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