Eureka High School has recreational sports teams in their own school. Recreational teams are not school sponsored but made by students, played by students and run by students. Bennett Steffan, 11, not only plays but also coaches the high school boys Sacred Heart basketball league team, Brick Layers.
“None of us have anything to do during the winter so we thought it’d be fun to start a rec basketball team,” Steffan 11 said.
Soccer player Tilden Oates, 12, plays and also coaches soccer for Villagers high school boys Vetta indoor soccer team. Creating a recreational soccer team was his idea.
“I have always done recreational sports, kind of like my whole life, and I thought it would be fun to do with all my friends when I got older,” Oates said.
Recreational sports gives kids an opportunity to be creative with their team’s name, image and slogans.
“We decided on the team name Brick Layers because we throw bricks off the backboard. Roll bricks baby,” Steffan said.
Playing, coaching and organizing recreational sports gives Eureka students an experience outside of the traditional high school sport style. Eli Remspecher,12, also plays for Villagers high school boys indoor Vetta soccer team.
“In high school you’re playing for your team, teammates and your school, but recreational is just messing around. I see high school sponsored teams as much more serious and recreational as just for fun activity in the offseason,” Remspecher said.
Often, recreational sports has schedules designed for players in school, even without being connected to the school.
“Usually our games are on Saturday nights at later times. We play our games after the younger kids,” Steffan said.