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All things EHS all the time


All things EHS all the time


Dilligently working with their caclulators and skittles, Shannon Goode works in Mrs. Widsom's 5th hour AP Statistics class.

A taste of what’s coming

Taylor Balleau, feature writer April 15, 2014

While students are the demographic of public education they are completely unaware of how much teachers put into the preparation to teach every day. "I think teachers get an idea of what to teach when...

Samantha Buchanan, Lexie Beckermann, Bryce Bond, Abbie Lakey, Anthony Carrizales and Nathan Arata (9) work as a group to understand a detailed model of DNA in Mrs. Jeanette Bosomworth's 4th hour Biology class, Nov. 8. "It's a lot easier to see the diagrams first hand instead of just reading things," Beckermann said. "I wish we did more hands-on stuff like this in my other classes."

Altering the make-up of learning standards

Taylor Balleau, feature writer December 3, 2013

American students rank 25th in math, 17th in science and 14th in reading compared to students in 27 industrialized countries, as reported by The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development...

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