In an age where technology is constantly changing and improving, students today are armed with smartphones, tablets and laptops as they take on the school day. The library, too, is embracing the digital age.
The school has just added six Nooks, eReaders, available for checkout by students.
“We have the books preloaded, so you would check out the device, and it already has 30 titles, including Gateway Readers Award nominated books for 2013-2014. You can read any or all of them,” Mrs. Dawn Jerger, librarian said.
Students can enjoy multiple novels at once without taking multiple trips to the library, avoiding the wait for limited copies of books to be distributed.
“I think initially eReaders might cost some money as they tranisiton to more,” Matt Taylor (11) said. “But I think in the long run it would make popular novels more available to everyone instead of everyone having to wait on each other.”
A new program, the eReaders’ future in the library will be determined by popularity.
“The plan is right now to try these six,” Mrs. Jerger said. “And if they circulate and they’re popular then we’ll add more sets of six with different titles.”
While only one students has checked out a Nook so far, the new medium should appeal to this digital generation.
“I read quite a bit,” Adam Culbreath (11) said. “So I think it would be cool to be able to have multiple books all in one place so I don’t have to go into the library as often.”
Since the eReaders are not personal devices, the librarians choose what novels are available on the Nooks.
“You can’t purchase and download novels yourself, but you can suggest books you would like the library to purchase,” Mrs. Jerger said.
The Nooks await readers in the library.