5 Things to know for the week of 9/16

The Girls Varsity Volleyball team huddle during their game against Ursuline at Ursuline, Sept. 9.

1. Cheerleading at State: The cheerleaders took 4th at state this weekend. Congratulations, Ladies!

2.  College Fair: The Rockwood College Fair at Marquette High School from 6:30-8 p.m, Monday, Sept. 17.

3. Girls Varsity Volleyball: The volleyball team hosts Cor Jesu at 5:30 p.m.  in Gym A, Tuesday, Sept. 17.

4. Activity Stickers: Student athletes can pick up the stickers for their student I.D.s. in the activity office throughout the week. The stickers will allow students to attend all fall sporting events for free.

5. School portriats and IDs: School picture packets are available again for pickup during lunch in the Commons, Friday, Sept. 20.