Photo of the day: Halloween Tuesday recap

Theresa Rogers, Photo editor

The second day of Spirit Week continued with Halloween Costume Tuesday, Oct. 7. “It’s a great way to show your personality,” Jake Wuelling (9) said. “You can dress up however you want and not get judged for it.”

Students also sported tutus For Natalie Timm. “Natalie had once said that EHS should have a ‘Tutu Tuesday’ theme for Spirit Week,” Megan Sutton (12) said. “So we all wore tutus for her.”

The spirit standing are currently:

  1. Seniors: 65 points
  2. Juniors: 35 points
  3. Freshman: 15 points
  4. Sophomores: 5 points

Yesterday’s lunch-time activity consisted of free throw shots. The object of the game was to get your balls into a bucket within a minute with the seniors winning 1st lunch and the freshman taking the win during 2nd and 3rd lunch.

The remaining Spirit Days:

  • Wednesday: Geriatrics Day: Grab a cane and an ugly sweater; EHS is growing old!
  • Thursday: Pajamas Day: Jump into a onesie and some slippers.
  • Friday: Spirit-wear Day: Wear all the purple and gold so you can to show your school pride.