Friday’s pep assembly schedule

Kyle Dudley, online community editor

Classes are 35 min each

A-Day Schedule

1st Hour           8:16-8:51
2nd Hour          8:57-9:32
3rd Hour           9:38-10:13
5th Hour           10:19-10:54
4th Hour           11:00-12:
Lunch A          10:54-11:25
    Warning Bell 11:21
Lunch B          11:25-11:55
     Warning Bell 11:51
Lunch C          11:55-12:25
      Warning Bell   12:19
6th Hour           12:25-1:00
7th Hour           1:06-1:41

Dismissal will be as follows from 7th hour:

  • 1:25 Band, Cheerleaders, Golden Line, Mixed Chamber Choir
  • 1:41 Fall athletes dismiss d to sit with teams
  • 1:45 Seniors and Juniors dismissed to sit on West bleachers
  • 1:50 Freshman and Sophomores dismissed to sit on East bleachers

**Students should leave their personal belongings and backpacks in your room.  They will return to their classroom after the assembly to get their things.