Unbeknownst to many, Eureka High School is home to a chess club. The chess club, led by sophomore Mark Li, meets every Monday and Friday in the library after school. After many years of trying to create a club focused on chess, Li was finally able to make it all happen.
“The summer between second and third grade I was sent to summer school to learn English since I just moved here from China,” Li said. “Basically at Adventure Club, I found a chess board one day and I just got really interested. Ever since then, I’ve studied chess, and I became a competitive tournament player, and more importantly, the leader of a chess club that aims to spread chess around my community.”
Along with Chess Club, Mark Li is involved in the robotics club and water polo. Many other members are a part of other sports, clubs, and organizations.
Li attempted multiple times to get a chess club up and running. Since middle school, he has constantly been shut down by the lack of interest. This year was different, 10 other students shared the same love for chess and this allowed the Chess Club to begin.
“Every time I faced the same problem, I didn’t get enough people interested. But, I never gave up, and sophomore year, I met some interested people,” Li said. “Once I got enough people, I kept working. I found a very good space to meet where I can teach, and explain strategy to them, how to play games, I organize their meeting plans, and we have fun playing chess.”
They are sponsored by Jessica Williams who attends the meetings alongside the players. She also has a love for chess which made sponsoring this club an easy yes.
“Mark is a fearlessly enthusiastic and knowledgeable chess leader and coach. He not only promotes chess club and brainstorms tons of new ideas. He also uses his expertise to lead the group through chess puzzles and strategy,” Williams said. “He plans lessons for each meeting, patiently teaches strategy, explains chess puzzles, and helps members to learn something new each meeting. His encouragement and passion has brought the chess club to life. The members look forward to each meeting with enthusiasm.”
Mark Li takes great pride in being the leader of the Chess Club since it is something he put his mind to and never gave up on.
“Chess Club is my favorite club in a way. It’s mainly because it’s a club that I lead,” Li said. “I’m the one that designs our T-shirts, I’m in charge of putting up the flyers, organizing our meeting plans, and promoting the club on Instagram. Members of the Chess Club look upon me as a leader. They depend on me to teach them. That makes me proud of what I have accomplished.”
This club hopes to grow over the years with new members and people who are not afraid to try something new and challenging. Chess is not only a good way for students to socialize, it is also very beneficial for the mind.
“I would like to thank all the members of the Eureka High School Chess Club, as well as our sponsor Mrs. Williams for making my dream come true,” Li said. “If something doesn’t work out, you always have other opportunities in the same subject to continue trying. I’m thankful I can be leading this club and supporting my friends who have a passion for the game of chess.”