Testing Schedule: April 28
April 27, 2015
Tomorrow, the freshman, sophomores and juniors will be testing while the seniors are at the zoo, April 28. Seniors need to report to the Commons by 8:16 a.m.
Below is the testing schedule.
The freshman are taking the ASPIRE test and should arrive at school by 8:10 and report to their assigned room. They will need at least two number two pencils and a calculator.
Below are the assigned rooms in alphabetical order.
The sophomores are taking the Practice ACT and should also arrive by 8:10 and report to the new theater. They will need at least two number two pencils (NOT mechanical) and an approved calculator.
The juniors will be taking the ACT and need to arrive by 8:00 in Gym A. Everyone should bring at least two number two pencils (NOT mechanical), an approved calculator and a snack and water if desired.
After testing, the day will proceed as a regular A day schedule starting with sixth hour.
Good luck testing, everyone!