The path to EHS-hub

    Journalism Writing and Reporting (LA052S)

    (One semester; Language Arts elective credit)

    This course focuses on photojournalism, journalistic writing and explores the legal and ethic parameters of responsible journalism. It is the prerequisite to News Production.

    News Production (PB002S/B and PB003S/B)

    (One year; career and technical education credit)

    With a reach of over 2,000 readers weekly, the EHS-hub staff is the place to be read and seen. In News Production students use journalism skills developed in Journalism Writing & Reporting to update and maintain daily.

    If you like to be in the know and ask questions of the people who make the decisions that shape life at EHS, then News Production is the place for you.

    Be a part of this innovative team and develop the face of Instagram is just the latest tool the hub staff is embracing. What will be next?

    All students:
    • write articles for publication.
    • take photographs for publication.

    Students may also:
    • specialize in a specific section: feature, news, opinion, sports and more.
    • apply to become editors and lead their staff.