

Tiffany Skaggs

Omar Uraziee (11)

Eid-Al-Fitr, otherwise known as the “Feast of Breaking the Fast” is the Muslim version of the Catholic Christmas holiday as Omar Uraziee (11) considers it. Throughout the month of Ramadan, Muslims are supposed to fast in order to represent the time the prophet Muhammad went without food.

At the end of Ramadan, in comparison to December, Muslims come together and celebrate their version of Christmas.

“It’s supposed to be a joyous day,” Uraziee said. “We wake up in the morning, greet our families and say “Eid Mubarack” which basically means “Merry Christmas” for Muslims.”

The holidays are both completely different in their symbolism, but the coming together of loved ones is one constant that shall remain.

“We go to the mosque, where we pray, listen to the speech of our Imam, which is our preacher, and then we go around to people and say ‘Eid Mubarack’ and hug them and shake their hands. It’s like the coming together of community, or at least that is how I have always seen it, I’ve always thought that was really cool,” Uraziee said.  “In the evening, we usually go to one of our Indian friends home and have a potluck party. My friend and I always discuss who has fasted more throughout Ramadan and even though he always wins it’s okay because I am a better person than he is now.”