5 Things to know for the Week of 8/12

1. Fall Sport Tryouts: The first week of Fall Sport tryouts started Monday, Aug. 12 and will continue through Friday, Aug. 16. Talk to individual coaches for more specific details.

2. Catpound shirts: Order forms for Catpound shirts are available at lunch. T-shirts cost $15. Order forms are due Friday.

3.Student emails: The student Email accounts have changed from last year. Directions to access your new account can be found at: http://www.rockwood.k12.mo.us/technology/Pages/StudentEmail.aspx

4.Google drive: Instead of having a Student Shared drive to save files Eureka is moving to a Google cloud. Here’s a link that guides you through how to access your account: http://www.rockwood.k12.mo.us/technology/Pages/StudentEmail.aspx

5. Principals: Dr. White and Mr. Klages are now sophomore and junior principals, respectively,  and will stay with their specific class for both sophomore and junior years.