
Kickball for a cause; transgender employment and U.S. naval action in Yemen

Caleb Sigmund

Softball is organizing a kickball tournament to benefit Blake Snyder’s family, 11/5.


Know: Trenton Forester shot and killed Officer Blake Snyder in South County, Oct. 13.

Inform: According to KMOV, Snyder, 33, responded to a disturbance call around 5:05 a.m., Oct. 13. He noticed Forester, 18, and ordered him to put his hands up. Forester, a white male, pulled a pistol and shot Officer Snyder at point blank. He died later that morning, around 9:20 a.m. A second officer arrived as Forester opened shots, hitting him multiple times.

Care: Police officers, like Mr. Brett Grittini, school resource officer,  put themselves in harm’s way to protect our community. The girls softball team is hosting a kickball tournament with BackStoppers to help Snyder’s family. The team is looking for 15 staff members to play. Each team is mixed with staff, students and Eureka police. The cost is $20 for a shirt and to play, $15 for just a shirt and $10 to just play. All benefits go to Blake Snyder’s family. Mr. Ribbing in room 307 is taking payments. The deadline is Oct. 21.


Know: The first large scale transgender job program recently began in California, known as the California Transgender Workplace Project.

Inform: The unemployment for the transgendered is twice that of the general population in the United States. According to the story on NPR, Michaela Mendelsohn is a transgender activist who owns six  El Pollo Loco locations, a California-based restaurant chain. Mendelsohn herself is transgendered and feels the need to help others because they find it difficult to get a job.

Care: Gender rights are at the forefront of the current civil rights movement. Oct.11, students took the opportunity to express their LGBTQ pride at school. About fifty five percent of LGBTQ students felt uncomfortable at school due to their sexual orientation and thirty eight percent felt uncomfortable due to their gender expression as of 2013. The EHS Professional Development committee arranged for an opportunity for teachers to learn about LGBTQ+ youth, Oct. 17. Staff were also able to attend the session during their session during one of their planning periods. Clubs at Eureka like the GSA give students with similar situations the opportunity to come together.


Know: A U.S. Navy destroyer fired missiles into Yemen, Oct. 13. The Pentagon announced they had struck and destroyed three Iranian controlled radar sites.

Inform: America has supported Yemen rebels for years, selling them arms and supplies. The United States claims the missiles were fired out of self defense, as Yemeni forces fired missiles of their own towards the USS Mason, Oct. 9 and 12. General Joseph Votel told the Center for American Progress, Oct. 19, that he thinks Iran played a role in the missile attacks towards USS Mason.

Care: The Middle East is an unstable and unpredictable region. Countries around the world have different ideas on the levels of involvement and the importance of the region. Students gain exposure to the world and its many complications through Model UN where they get to debate involvement in other countries and discuss the impacts of global solutions. The club educates students on how to handle situations that can determine the future of the world.