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All things EHS all the time


All things EHS all the time


All content by Taylor Balleau
Dilligently working with their caclulators and skittles, Shannon Goode works in Mrs. Widsom's 5th hour AP Statistics class.

A taste of what’s coming

Taylor Balleau, feature writer
April 15, 2014
photo illustration featuring Faith Reynolds (11) by Katie Rippe

Cleaning out closets for a cause

Taylor Balleau, feature writer
February 14, 2014
Mr. Victor Trujillo and Mrs. Ann Trujillo stand inside their home holding an old family portrait of their children, Rachel, Erin, Emily and Jacob, Nov. 7. "With my dad and sister often out of town, it's a privledge when everyone is in the same place to spend time together," Rachel Trujillo (12) said.

One empty chair at the dinner table

Taylor Balleau, feature writer
December 10, 2013

Long distance family

Taylor Balleau, feature writer
October 10, 2013
Using her 2013-2014 student ID, Hannah Busch (12), signs into the library, Sept. 22.

Scanning in

Taylor Balleau, feature writer
September 29, 2013
Searching for a book of choice, Ryan Atwood (11) scours the library, Sept. 9.

Escape with a book

Taylor Balleau, feature writer
September 12, 2013
Image of hope

Image of hope

Taylor Balleau, feature writer
September 11, 2013
5 things to know for the week of 9/3

5 things to know for the week of 9/3

Taylor Balleau, feature writer
September 3, 2013

Taylor Balleau, feature editor
August 30, 2013
Kathleen Oliver, a friend to all

Kathleen Oliver, a friend to all

Taylor Balleau, Feature Writer
August 17, 2013

Dress for less

Taylor Balleau, news writer
January 31, 2013

Teacher nominations

Taylor Balleau, news writer
January 29, 2013

Cafeteria chronicles

Taylor Balleau, online staff
January 16, 2013
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