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All things EHS all the time


All things EHS all the time


Lauren Glascock

Lauren Glascock, EHS-Hub staff

Glascock is a news reporter for the EHS-hub. This is her second semester on staff. Her hobbies include travelling, writing, hanging out with friends, going on joyrides and taking pictures. At EHS Glascock plays Varsity basketball and lacrosse. She is also involved in the SADD organization and National Honors Society. If she could have one conversation with the world, she would ask for peace and equality among people. Word to describe her: Optimistic. Glascock’s dream job is to be a writer for a travel magazine or have any job where she can combine her love of both writing and traveling. Twitter: @LglascockEHShub



All content by Lauren Glascock
EHS held orientation, Aug. 7. Makeup orientation will be held Monday, Aug. 13.

[Photo] Orientation pointers

Ethan Fine, editor-in-chief
August 7, 2018
Seniors will graduate, May 24.

Winding up

Lauren Glascock, reporter
April 10, 2018
The modified EOC testing schedule, April 16-April 24.

2018 EOC testing

Lauren Glascock, reporter
April 4, 2018
Ally Weis

Ally Weis

Lauren Glascock, reporter
March 26, 2018
Lily Harrell

Lily Harrell

Lauren Glascock, reporter
March 26, 2018
With open arms, Michael Wiegand, Chief of police, discusses plans for a new justice center, Feb. 8.

Welcoming change

Lauren Glascock, reporter
March 1, 2018
The EHS publications SmugMug home page.

The wait is over

Lauren Glascock, reporter
January 23, 2018
Smoke fills the air after a student inhales from a Juul, Jan. 6.

Dirty little secret

Lauren Glascock, reporter
January 10, 2018
Using his phone to scan a QR code, Ethan Fine (10) accesses the Google Form to change his schedule.

Presto change-o

Lauren Glascock, reporter
November 28, 2017
Every penny counts

Every penny counts

Lauren Glascock, reporter
October 26, 2017
Keith Baremore, Science, and Bennett Lyday (11) get their hands dirty while examining the parts of the brain.

Digging deep

Lauren Glascock, reporter
October 19, 2017
Old Towne Eureka on its second day of flooding, May 2.

[Photo] Reading the signs

Kate Laubacker, reporter
September 26, 2017
The baseball fields at EHS lay exposed once again after the flood of 2017, May 12.

Sink or swim

Lauren Glascock, news reporter
May 27, 2017
Testing time

Testing time

Lauren Glascock, reporter
May 10, 2017


Lauren Glascock, reporter
April 25, 2017
Kirsten Peterson and Madison Woehlke (10) burn peanuts to determine the amount of calories in them for Mike Thebeau's sixth hour Principles of Biomedical class, Nov. 15.


Lauren Glascock, reporter
March 23, 2017
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