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All things EHS all the time


All things EHS all the time


Maria Perez

Maria Perez, EHS-Hub staff


This is Perez’s third year on staff where she serves as a reporter for the Hub. One word to describe her: independent. Perez is involved in tennis, E2Y2, and NHS at Eureka. She also enjoys listening to music, drawing, and doing makeup. Conversation she wants to have with the world: “We need to listen to marginalized groups when they are in need and we need to work together towards a world that promotes equity for everyone.”  Dream job: “International journalist/UN Ambassador/Human Rights Lawyer/Activist.”

All content by Maria Perez
Jacob Fenn (10) works with Christine Pereur, pastry chef at Comme à la Maison / Like Home Café & Brasserie, to create pastries in a demonstration to French students, April 16.

Cooking up a connection

Maria Perez, reporter
April 18, 2018
Kathryn Creason (12) gets lost in the music during the Salsa dancing portion of the Spanish Immersion Night in Gym A, March 23.


Maria Perez, reporter
April 18, 2018
Gwen Kulik (11), Briggs Zaun (11), Mackenzie Burnett (11), Tyler Conley (12) and Hannah Mellor (11) read the lines of their French play at Blevins Elementary, Jan. 29.


Maria Perez, reporter
April 18, 2018
Jordan Thompson (12). Riley Schaefer (12), Bryan Howard (12) and Zach Walls (12)  capture the German culture around them at Rocktoberfest in the Commons, Oct. 3.


Maria Perez, reporter
April 18, 2018
Alex DiPalma (12) and Dameion Thompson (11) help elementary school students to learn American Sign Language at Eureka Elementary, Oct. 17.


Maria Perez, reporter
April 18, 2018
Brendan Carter

Brendan Carter

Maria Perez, reporter
March 26, 2018
Matt Gentry

Matt Gentry

Maria Perez, reporter
March 26, 2018
Kyle Dickhaus

Kyle Dickhaus

Maria Perez, reporter
March 26, 2018
Take a moment to ask if the content being posted can be harmful to others.


Maria Perez, reporter
February 7, 2018
EHS finals could have a different look and format in the coming years that involves less cramming and more freedom. For a student that stresses over finals each semester, this could be something to celebrate.

So long scantrons

Maria Perez, reporter
January 4, 2018
Rebecca Whittaker (12) practice their verses in front of Nathan Schaefferkoetter, choir, during 4th hour Treble Chamber Choir, Sept. 26. Treble Chamber Choir is just one of several choir groups affected by the departure of Charlie Kinnison and the arrival of Nathan Schaefferkoetter.

Singing on

Maria Perez, reporter
September 29, 2017
The Class of 2016 celebrates their graduation by tossing their mortar boards in the air at the end of their graduation ceremony, May 24, 2016.

Up in the air

Maria Perez, news reporter
May 22, 2017
Google Trends shows the popularity of the search term "Steve Stephens" within a day of Stevens posting a murder onto his Facebook account, April 16. As people watched the disturbing murder video and used the internet to find more information on Stephens, the popularity of his name as a search term quickly grew. The quick and widespread reach of this event shows how powerful the internet is when spreading information.


Maria Perez, reporter
April 20, 2017
A protester advocates for diversity through a sign at the Women's March in downtown St. Louis, Jan. 21.  Critics of President Trump's executive order stress the importance of being welcoming towards people from all nationalities.

[Photo] Know/inform/care

Kate Laubacker, news reporter
February 16, 2017

[Video] Know/inform/care

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
December 8, 2016

[Photo] Piling on the stress

Hannah Mellor, reporter
November 18, 2016
As an E2 member, I attended the Gateway2Change summit at Ritenour High School, Oct. 18. The conversations that took place at the summit need to happen all over the country in order for the country to experience true unity.

Standing up for equity

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
October 18, 2016
Mr. Trump's comments about women made in a tape, Oct. 7, were simply "locker room talk" according to Donald Trump. Professional athletes, expressed distaste and denied such conversations. These professional athletes inspired other athletes, as well as coaches, to create #NotInMyLockerRoom.

Trump in tags

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
October 13, 2016
Second presidential debate play-by-play

Second presidential debate play-by-play

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
October 10, 2016
Vice Presidential debate

Vice Presidential debate

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
October 10, 2016
Maddie Bumeter, Kylie Meyerkord, Elle Baker, Andrea Porter, Lily Goldberg, Abby Schroeder and Grace Eickel (11) get fired up for the powderpuff football game, Sept. 29. EHS' Spirit Week had no behavioral issues, so students had the privilege of experiencing Spirit Week in its entirety.


Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
October 6, 2016
First Presidential debate: Play by play

First Presidential debate: Play by play

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
September 27, 2016
The hallways remained empty despite the time as a drug-dog sweep interrupted the schedule briefly, Sept. 21.

All clear

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
September 22, 2016

[Photo] Windows 10 tips

Tyler Price, reporter
September 20, 2016

Class meetings 16-17

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
August 15, 2016

Lunch 2016-17

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
August 15, 2016

Homeroom 2016-2017

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
August 15, 2016

Parking 2016-17

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
August 15, 2016
A tractor sits next to bricks that will create a wall for the building, Aug. 3.

Summer construction: Week 10

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
August 4, 2016
Fall sport information

Fall sport information

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
July 29, 2016
Tubes lay beside the backhoe at the construction zone, June 13.

Summer construction: Week 3

Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
June 13, 2016
The flag in front of the Metro West Fire Protection District Station 4 is at half staff in honor of the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, June 12.


Maria Perez, editor-in-chief
June 12, 2016
The American Heart Association fundraiser t-shirts, Feb. 4.

Seeing red

Maria Perez, reporter
February 4, 2016
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